As photographers (and with another hat on: as architects) we have a unique ability to interpret the wishes and vision of those who come to us and to use our vision to bring a project to fruition. Sometimes that will mean taking a different direction to that of the client and sometimes it will be the same. But it is up to us to lead and bring expertise to the table.
For me it is about looking at the ordinary and seeing the extra-ordinary in it. Whatever it might be; an old statue, signs, gates - there is always a story to be told. That is what people are coming to you for; however you do it, when a photograph becomes special, you know it.
For me it is about looking at the ordinary and seeing the extra-ordinary in it. Whatever it might be; an old statue, signs, gates - there is always a story to be told. That is what people are coming to you for; however you do it, when a photograph becomes special, you know it.
Sign posts, Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin, Ireland
I started off this post thinking of the many photographs I have seen that have won acclaim in competitions, magazines, galleries and all over the place and what they did for me; some blew me away, others did nothing. Was I missing something?
But then I look at my photographs, the ones I take for me and only for me. They probably do nothing for anyone else. Does that matter? On one level of course I want recognition for my work. Who doesn't want everyone to like what they do? But on the other level I want to be happy with what I shoot ... for me. My best shots are the ones I took for me. They have a certain depth to them that comes from how I was feeling, what I was looking for, the rhythm of the moment that some of the other shots don't have.
There are many ways to look at photographs, on their own or as a body of work and it is all to easy to criticise. It is hard to take a step back and ask questions; much easier to dismiss that which is different or doesn't fall into our view of the world or how photographs should be taken, in our cosy little world.
Church Door, Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin, Ireland
I am minded of the old fairy tale; The Emperor's New Clothes. Sometimes I cannot help thinking about it when I see some photographs. But whether you are the Child who sees through the clothes or the Emperor who is wearing them one thing is certain; the Emperor is still the Emperor and the Child is still the Child.
Of course there will always be photographs that you just do not like, for whatever reason. But the next time you see such a photograph, take a second look. What this tells me is that I have to get out there and take more photographs, for me.
Love the diesel pumps shot!