Some projects are more fun than others... and that's saying a lot because for me, all photographic projects are great fun. Way back in February, Wendy asked me to photograph her husband, Nick's pride and joy... not one, but a whole collection of classic cars!
Well I couldn't refuse! So I didn't! There was only one catch, it had to be a secret, and so for months there was a hive of activity going on behind the scenes. And we had to arrange for a driver for the day, get the cars washed and ready, sustenance... the odd cup of coffee and maybe a biscuit or two. You can imagine the planning that went into it.
Here are some of the shots...
The E Type...
The Fiat Bambino...
A big thanks to John for being a patient driver, Trisha for coffee and moral support, John's wife Carol for a wonderful lunch and to Hilary And Belinda cleaning the cars! You guys made my job so much easier!
Enjoy... more to follow...